For I know the plans

“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.” -Jeremiah 29:11 (esv)

I am not going to start this blog post out the way you think that I am. I’m not going to just simply tell you what Jeremiah 29:11 says and tell you that if you just believe that then your life will be great. I am actually going to start by saying this verse is one of the biggest verses that people love to take out of context...

This verse is read and taught to others almost 100% of the time as a verse that is to be read as a PERSONAL promise from God to you and I. But the problem with this is that it ignores who it was actually written for. Jeremiah 29:11 is arguably the most well known verse after John 3:16 and that is saying a lot. You see it all the time. Why do people love this verse so much? I think it is because when their life isn’t going the way they would like for it to, they want to know that God has a method to the madness that they are going through- which He does. But let’s talk about the ACTUAL context of the verse though.. 

In order to understand Jeremiah 29:11, you must read the whole chapter of Jeremiah 29. (Don’t come for me- I did.) When you read the surrounding verses, you will realize that God is actually talking to the Israelites that are living in captivity in Babylon. In other words- he is talking to slaves. It is important to realize this passage was addressed to slaves living in enemy territory. 

(Don’t worry- I’m getting somewhere with all of this.)

In this time of captivity, there were many false prophets going around claiming that God was going to release them very soon. In Jeremiah 29, God is denouncing these false prophets. God actually tells these people that not only are they not going anywhere- they aren’t going to for 70 MORE YEARS. That’s not what they wanted to hear, I would imagine. 

Jeremiah 29:11 was written to ACTUAL people that were actually living IN this time of captivity. You see, this verse was not meant to be a personal promise to you or me. In fact, it’s not even written to any one person here in the chapter either- it is written to a GROUP of slaves that were facing difficult circumstances during this time. God promises them that though it is rough right now, He is always in control and in the end He will work all things out. 

EVEN THOUGH, this wasn’t particularly meant for me and you today, that does not mean there is nothing for us in this verse. I personally think that once you realize what it was actually intended for, it makes it even more significant! While this is isn’t a personal promise, it is a REMINDER that God is ALWAYS in control. Even when it doesn’t seem like it. Even when you’re having a bad day. Even when your life seems like it’s upside down. God is always in control. Sometimes, most of the time, your biggest difficulties turn into your greatest testimonies. Trust me as someone that used to have severe anxiety, I don’t like to hear that either- but it’s true. This verse was written to slaves that were told they would die as a slave. You cannot avoid disappointment but you CAN change the way you look at it. You can know that no matter what, God is right there with you. He is right now while you’re reading this. He is a GOOD God and I feel like people forget that. He will bring you through anything, but only if you allow Him to. 

This verse is encouragement to us that even on our darkest day, we serve a God that has already seen every day before us and has already seen every day after. He knows the plans He has for you- just like He knew the plans He had for the Israelites, I mean we’re still talking about them to this day, right? I think God did that on purpose. Through their difficulties, we can see what TRUE faith is. 

In conclusion, I am so glad I finally decided to make a blog. If you made it all the way to the end- thank you!! Also, please never hesitate to reach out to me however you feel comfortable - message me, call me, etc..if you ever need a friend or just simply someone to pray for you. 

Love y’all! <3


  1. Well said my child....God is already using you in so many ways...keep the faith and continue to follow Him wherever He leads you....looking forward to your next post...


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