Be where your feet are


Be where your feet are. 

The other day I was scrolling through social media and saw this quote. I thought it was simple yet profound. I have always been a “planner.” I like to-do lists, structure, calendars - basically anything that makes it seem as though I know what I am doing and have it together. I often like to focus on the future instead of the here and now so it goes without saying that when I read this quote it made me stop and think. 

So often we get caught up in our future, goals, and plans - which is a good thing in most instances - until we allow it to consume us. We think to ourselves “in *fill in the blank amount of time* I will achieve *fill in the blank* and THEN I will be happy - THEN is when I will feel as though I am making a difference, THEN I will happier, THEN everything will just be BETTER. When I check off everything on my to-do list, when the house is clean, when I get my dream car - whatever it is that I am wanting in this moment - when I finally get that thing I will be happy.

For as long as I can remember, I have also always been a person that wanted to matter - truly matter. I’ve always been in constant pursuit of doing whatever it would look like to matter - to someone, to the world, to God. I believed that I had to be hustling toward the next best thing to prove my value. 

“Be where your feet are” is a constant reminder, a way to remind myself to look around and acknowledge where I am, the people I am around, and the community that I have been blessed to be a part of. It is something that is simple enough that I can whisper this under my breath and remind me to live in this moment. To remind me that God put me here for a reason. He put you here, wherever “here” is for you for a REASON. 

Without fail, when I turn from distractions, God always shows me moments that He handcrafted for me. They’re there waiting for me. I just need to step into them. We are living in a time great mental, emotional and even physical stress. We have survived so much as a people that it is often hard to simply just be. With social media constantly in our faces, we feel as thought we have to prove something to others constantly. It is easy to get distracted from hearing that still, small voice that is telling us to live in this moment and be who God has called us to be. God did not call you to be your neighbor - He called you to LOVE your neighbor. Wherever you are, whatever you do - you have the God-given power to change the lives around you in either a positive or negative way. So choose to speak life into your neighbor - choose to live in this moment - choose to bloom where God has planted you and above all - choose to be where your feet are.

I am here to say that God wants to work in you TODAY. TODAY is the day that the Lord has made so let us rejoice and be glad in it. 

Below is a quote that I wanted to share from a book that I have been reading that I feel really shows the power in “being where your feet are.” 

“When we hang out on the internet instead of our neighborhoods, when we look through magazines instead of into people’s eyes, when we dwell on our own problems instead of the problems in our communities - we will always feel inadequate and shut down. We begin to feel like there are so many people doing cool things that we are not needed. But in the real world none of those cool people live on your street, none of them are loving your neighbors. God wants to do that through you TODAY…”

He that has began a good work in us WILL bring it to completion! (Philippians 1:6)

“Now to him and who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen” -Ephesians 3:20-21 

Psalm 25:4-5, “Show me your ways, LORD, teach me your paths. Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long.” 👣🌻🪴


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