
I would like to start this blog post out by saying that I have SERIOUSLY got to get better at posting more frequently. School has been kicking my BEHINDDD lately, but writing is what I love to do so I need to spend more "Writing-time" and less "Sitting-around-doing-absolutely-nothing-time." 


This topic that I am going to be talking about today is probably one of my favorites yet. I feel as though this topic needs to be talked about more--ESPECIALLY for people my age. (I.E. college age/young adult age/and for sure high school age as well.) 

As you can see from the title of this blog, I am talking about authenticity. The definition of the word is: "The quality of being authentic." Authentic means: "Of undisputed origin; authentic." 

If we're being 100% here....Authenticity is a rare quality nowadays. We are constantly being told how to think, dress, act, etc., without even realizing it. When you turn on the t.v., when you are at school, when you are just minding your own business scrolling on IG, we're all constantly seeing what the "Cool crowd" is doing. By that term, I don't even mean celebrities or "Influencers," it could be as simple as your friends or people in your hometown that you barely even know, but you still somehow consider them "Cool." 

I saw this quote today that said: "Being our messy, imperfect, authentic selves helps create a space where others feel safe to be themselves, too. Your vulnerability can be a gift to others, how bad*** is that?"

Sorry not sorry for the cussword- hey, I bleeped it out.....but seriously, how true is that? It's pretty true. 

Here is a quote that's better than the last one: "I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made." (Psalm 124:14) God literally took His time making you and me. He created how you look, how you talk, your passions, etc. He KNEW what He was doing when He made you.

That hobby that you have that your fam would call you crazy for for trying to pursue it deeper? That passion you have for that subject that you might be called "Nerdy" for liking? That book you want to write, but are too scared you'll look dumb to your friends? Those things might just be the thing that He created you to do. 

The things that you are passionate about are NOT random--they are your calling. We need to stop trying to "Fit in" and be like everyone else, and start being who God has called us to be--our true, authentic selves. 

I'll admit, it takes courage to be yourself in a world full of duplicates and a world where you are constantly being told that who you are is not enough...BUT. Being yourself is the biggest gift you can offer to yourself and others.

 Be brave enough to show the world who you are WITHOUT an apology. When you are your raw, un-cut self-it inspires others to be their raw, un-cut selves too. 

Whatever you accept about yourself cannot be used against you. Be willing to own your truth, even if it makes others uncomfortable. The good, the bad, and the ugly are all apart of your story. You never know who you can inspire by being authentically Y-O-U-! Because...... 

So go out there and write that book, pursue that hobby, smile at strangers, and dance in the street-- no matter what it is that you do, do it whole heartily. If your friends laugh--get new friends. If you start to feel insecure and your confidence starts to slip, don't remember who you are-remember who GOD, the creator of the UNIVERSE made you to be.

"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, and not for human masters." (Colossians 3:23)

I hope that you enjoyed this blog and I would LOVE if you shared it with someone you know that might benefit from it! I am SO excited, because I FINALLY learned how to add pictures to these things- LOL. I hope everyone has an amazing week... <3


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