Character over comfort
Back in the beginning of 2020 when I was still in high school, I wrote myself a note. Yes, I wrote MYSELF a note- but technically it was for God..I'll explain. I was sitting at my desk listening to one of my classes...I attended a Christian school (Abeka), so I remember that I was listening to my Bible class (it was a mandatory class- but my favorite) and I don't even remember the lesson or the message or anything...but it must have been pretty good, because I remember opening up my desk drawer, pulling out a piece of scrap paper, and writing on it: "God, When I start college in the fall, I'm gonna be pretty busy and I'm going to be having a lot going on. Please help me to keep you first in everything I do and help me to not forget what really matters and what doesn't... no matter what You have to do- help my relationship with You grow." It didn't seem like much to me. I wrote it and kept on listening to my class- I do remember though thinking in my h...