

 I've felt compelled for the past several months to share my testimony of the last year or so. I don't know how long this will be so here it goes. A year ago I couldn't wait to be where I am now. I couldn't wait to be at a place where I could say "I've made it." I swore once I got my degree - then I'd be happy. Once I did this or once I did that - then is when I'd be happy. Growing up, I always believed in God but I looked at God as a genie without even realizing it. I prayed at night before bed that God would keep my family safe and that was it. That was my relationship with God. I always looked at other people who had these big testimonies. These people that had terrible things happen to them but overcame them or these people who overcame the odds and saw God in the midst of it all. I was always sort of jealous because I didn't have a testimony like that. Mine was that I believed in God since I was 10 and that's where it ended.  I thought...

Come Home

I was sitting here on TikTok and something told me to go to my notepad on my phone so I did and just started typing. I had no idea what I was about to write but I just started typing. I know that God speaks to me through my writing. A lot of people tell me that I have a gift when it comes to writing and I think they're correct for two reasons: the words truly just flow when I'm writing and when I get done and read it later I think "Where did that come from?"  So, if youre still reading, this is what I was left with in my notepad on my phone: Whether you've been a Christian 30 years... Whether you've never been to church a day in your life.... Whether you think you're too far gone... Whether you've sinned 3 seconds ago... Whether you've tried to gain salvation through works and fell short... Whether you've sworn you were going to "get right" with God for years but just haven't... Whether you know God has placed a calling on your li...

Lord, Save me

  One of the shortest prayers in the Bible is only three words. Three simple words – yet profound. In Matthew 14, right after Jesus had finished feeding the 5,000, He went up on a mountain by Himself to pray. We see in the Bible that he did this often. Seeking solitude was an important priority for Him. He knew that when the world around you get loud, you need to silence it to hear God speak. Now when evening came, He was alone where he was at the mountain. The disciples were in a boat in the middle of the sea, tossed by the waves, for the wind was contrary. The Bible goes on to say that in the fourth watch of the night, Jesus went to them, walking on the sea. When the disciples saw Him, they were troubled, thinking that they were seeing a ghost. Jesus immediately spoke to them saying, “Be of good cheer! It is I; do not be afraid.” Peter, one of the disciples, answered Him saying, “Lord, if it is You, command me to come to You on the water.” So of course, Jesus said, “Come.” ...

Be where your feet are

  Be where your feet are.  The other day I was scrolling through social media and saw this quote. I thought it was simple yet profound. I have always been a “planner.” I like to-do lists, structure, calendars - basically anything that makes it seem as though I know what I am doing and have it together. I often like to focus on the future instead of the here and now so it goes without saying that when I read this quote it made me stop and think.  So often we get caught up in our future, goals, and plans - which is a good thing in most instances - until we allow it to consume us. We think to ourselves “in *fill in the blank amount of time* I will achieve *fill in the blank* and THEN I will be happy - THEN is when I will feel as though I am making a difference, THEN I will happier, THEN everything will just be BETTER. When I check off everything on my to-do list, when the house is clean, when I get my dream car - whatever it is that I am wanting in this moment - when I final...

Feed My Sheep

When I tell ya'll that God is good-- I mean it. Today, as I was just sitting in my new office at Lamar (still can't believe I am sitting here right now)-- I decided to get on the Bible app and do my little Bible plan that I had been doing called "Flourish in Gratitude." After reading the devotional part, it gave me some verses to look up. I read the passage below and immediately felt like I was meant to have read it:  When they had finished eating, Jesus said to Simon Peter,   “Simon son of John, do you love me more than these?”  “Yes, Lord,” he said, “you know that I love you.”  Jesus said,  “Feed my lambs.”  Again Jesus said,  “Simon son of John, do you love me?”  He answered, “Yes, Lord, you know that I love you."  Jesus said,  “Take care of my sheep.”  The third time he said to him,  “Simon son of John, do you love me?”  Peter was hurt because Jesus asked him the third time,  “Do you love me?”  He said, “Lord...

Social Work Month -- March

In honor of Social Work month, I wanted to make a blog post about social work and why it means so much to me. National Social Work month, observed throughout March, uplifts the social workers of our country and celebrates their constant contributions to our society. First, I want to share a little bit of the history of social work and how it has become the profession it has become today. Since the first social work class was offered in the summer of 1898 at Columbia University, social workers have led the way developing private and charitable organizations to serve people in need. Social workers continue to address the needs of society and bring our nation's social problems to the public attention.  Today,  Americans enjoy many privileges because early social workers saw miseries and injustices and took action, inspiring others along the way. Many of the benefits we take for granted came about because of social workers-- working with families and institutions-- spoke out again...

Happy vs Holy

Hey, ya'll! I hope everyone has been doing great. I am actually really excited to write about what I am going to write about today, because I feel as though I have a lot to say about this topic... I entitled this blog "Happy vs. Holy," because I am going to be talking about what each of those things mean and the difference between them.  I want to start out by saying that happiness and holiness BOTH come from God. Without a holy life, my happiness is not fully possible.  Everyone pretty much knows what the word happiness means, but a lot of people get confused when they hear the word holy. Holy literally means to be set apart. Most of the time you really don't hear people calling someone else holy unless they're saying how "Oh such and such thinks they are holier than thou!" Lol. This is not what I am talking about though. To be holy simply means to be set apart. I think that the number one problem in Christianity today is that individuals who are not Ch...