
Showing posts from March, 2023

Be where your feet are

  Be where your feet are.  The other day I was scrolling through social media and saw this quote. I thought it was simple yet profound. I have always been a “planner.” I like to-do lists, structure, calendars - basically anything that makes it seem as though I know what I am doing and have it together. I often like to focus on the future instead of the here and now so it goes without saying that when I read this quote it made me stop and think.  So often we get caught up in our future, goals, and plans - which is a good thing in most instances - until we allow it to consume us. We think to ourselves “in *fill in the blank amount of time* I will achieve *fill in the blank* and THEN I will be happy - THEN is when I will feel as though I am making a difference, THEN I will happier, THEN everything will just be BETTER. When I check off everything on my to-do list, when the house is clean, when I get my dream car - whatever it is that I am wanting in this moment - when I final...