I would like to start this blog post out by saying that I have SERIOUSLY got to get better at posting more frequently. School has been kicking my BEHINDDD lately, but writing is what I love to do so I need to spend more "Writing-time" and less "Sitting-around-doing-absolutely-nothing-time." Anyyywhoooooo. This topic that I am going to be talking about today is probably one of my favorites yet. I feel as though this topic needs to be talked about more--ESPECIALLY for people my age. (I.E. college age/young adult age/and for sure high school age as well.) As you can see from the title of this blog, I am talking about authenticity. The definition of the word is: "The quality of being authentic." Authentic means: "Of undisputed origin; authentic." If we're being 100% here....Authenticity is a rare quality nowadays. We are constantly being told how to think, dress, act, etc., without even realizing it. When you turn on the t.v., when you are at ...